------------------- "Remixing Newgrounds - F-777" --------------------------------
Hey everyone!! Im starting this new crazy idea...
- (dunno if its crazy whatever sounds fun) -
...of going on a remix spree of newgrounds songs!
If you want your song remixed MESSAGE ME!
(in subject of message add "remix me" and a quick brief comment
you would like said in the remix comments when i post)
1. Must have a distinct melody (i can't just remix background music
or a beat it must have a tune).
2. It can't be a remix of a remix you did. It must be your original melody.
3. If i don't remix you can't hate me cause i think im limiting myself to 30 remixes
and if i get more requests then that i dunno if ill go that far.
4. Must be a song you have posted on newgrounds.
Ways you will benefit:
- I will be putting your song link in the comments so hopefully
that will get your song more traffic =).
- As the series gets bigger more people will look back to the remix
of your song so this will help you for quite a long time as the series
goes on.
Some random other news...
I passed 3,000 favorites! thanks so much everyone!!!!
For everyone wondering how to get my Heavenly Tears Album you can get it on
one of the following links =).
Itunes: http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/heave nly-tears-2009/id349172317
Soundloud: www.soundloud.com/jessevalentinemusic
Also theres a FAKE youtube thats "www.youtube.com/jessevalentineF777" pretending
to be me!!! my REAL youtube is "www.youtube.com/jessevalentinemusic". Thanks everyone!