LOVE THIS! Amazing work on this man! 2:16 is my fav part.
LOVE THIS! Amazing work on this man! 2:16 is my fav part.
Thanks 😁
This is some high level awesomeness right here. Your music always gets me freaking pumped!
Can def hear you put a lot of work into this and it pays off dude.
Thanks a ton man! Glad you dig it :D Can't wait to do that collab down the line. You rock man.
This song brought me on an entire journey. Was refreshing to take a break from mainstream cool sounds with typical drops and hear something fresh.
Love this.
Oh man this is pure amazingness. In the intro those reveerbed background guitar arps (waa waa?) are an amazing mood setter.
Song also ends on a crazy spree of goodness. O.O
cheers man, nice comments!
Oh dang this is awesome. I love those strings that come in later.
Forgot to leave a review here (left a comment on youtube tho).
Love this. Super clear mix too.
Thanks dude :D
Pretty good work here! There is a cut off filter on the entire track tho keeping all high frequencies out. Maybe take that off or automate it to be completely off when 0:40 hits.
I can see crazy potential here tho! Just there is something muting the high end.
OMG F-777 I’m a massive fan! Thanks! And yeah you’re right, I did leave that low pass filter on, although when i took it off there was a slight ring that I didn’t like, but thanks anyway!
Super awesome. Very quiet tho (I have to turn up my headphones way up to hear it). But that's an easy fix on your master.
Really cool!
Thanks for the review dude! Such an honour :) :)
Oh thats sickkk. Love the low end and the percussion. It's a tad repetitive but that's also normal if your planning to add vocals or such later.
Love this!
Whoa, I never thought you'd drop by! Thanks for reviewing, I'll keep that in mind.
Not bad! The kick never hits those low frequencies (maybe you did that on purpose?) which keeps this from being a house track and it's more of an Ambient track.
Still sounds so cool and atmospheric! Gets me all day dreamy :D.
Yeah, I was thinking of a very atmospheric feel to the dong, but day dreamy? I can't really see that, this track has a really cold theme as well. Eh, thanks anyway for the 9/10!
Hey guys! Feel free to add my Discord :D.
Discord ID: f777official
Blizzard ID: f777official
Geometry Dash Account: F777OFFICIAL
Electronic Musician
Joined on 4/9/07