one word...
this songs awesome man! wow i like it, most of the people on this site shove so many sounds into their songs you cant hear anything, but this...this is nice.
well ill catch you later be sure to comment on my thread ya?
one word...
this songs awesome man! wow i like it, most of the people on this site shove so many sounds into their songs you cant hear anything, but this...this is nice.
well ill catch you later be sure to comment on my thread ya?
thanks man, i appreciate it a lot
I like it, not too much going on just sit back and enjoy the beat. Its awesome dude my sister even likes it and she hates techno...now that takes skills dude...
well ill catch you later and be sure to check out my audio thread.
*breakdancing to your awesome song*
thanks man your musics cool too. ive listend to all of em. catch ya later!
Nice, real nice
i llliiikkkeee it...pretty awesome song dude just needed to be longer cause your like listening and your thinking "wow this is good" then at the end your like "aw man its over" pretty awesome stuff..
anyways review one of my songs on my thread its only fair...lol just joking you dont have too but id be nice...catch ya later and thanks for posting this its helps me with my homework!
That was beautiful...REALLY nice...this song grabbed my heart and ripped it to pieces man...you got skills...
Dude im in luv with this song...its awesome and i cant find anything wrong with it...oh btw thanks for the awesome review on my post.
Okay thanks for the compiment on the review I gave you and the review you gave me. There will be more but not right now. I'll think of something eventually but schools getting tough now. Study always gets in the way of music. :) Your song still is strong in the dance section. Still a 5/5 which is impressive for your first. Congrats on that and hope it stays at the top spot. Well deserved. Bye for now
Love the rythm...i love the song...even though this is not my type of music you have me impressed i luv it...only thing is im pretty sure i heard a song quite simular to this but thats probably cause its just the same style...anyways thank you for posting this song!
Thanks a lot man. Just trying to do my best... ;-)
Hey guys! Feel free to add my Discord :D.
Discord ID: f777official
Blizzard ID: f777official
Geometry Dash Account: F777OFFICIAL
Electronic Musician
Joined on 4/9/07