This is really touching...the beauty in this is just so amazing. Im shocked just completely shocked at how perfectly this turned out! Amazing song! This one is going in my mp4 i find this really inspirational!
Keep it up!
This is really touching...the beauty in this is just so amazing. Im shocked just completely shocked at how perfectly this turned out! Amazing song! This one is going in my mp4 i find this really inspirational!
Keep it up!
Thank you :) I'm glad to hear this from such a great artist :)
Very cool =).
I really liek what your doing here! I think at times the bass goes a little crazy but if you kept it at that normal pace and added a good lead this would have been really epic =).
Really good =).
Just seems a lil empty.
Thx for your great input!
This is really cool but it feels like...its missing something...its a little bit empty =(. I dunno just somethings not there that should be there...I would try adding more backup melodies/arps/gates.
Sorry this one didn't fly very good with me =S.
I FREAKIN LOVE THIS!! I could see this in a 007 movie =). You really reflected this energy just perfectly through this song! Wow i can't put it into words on how much i love this song! Definately downloading =)!
Awesome stuff!
Awesome =).
I really like this melody. Very strong and uplifting. Only thing i would change is the piano sound itself. I don't like FL Keys iv been a piano player/composer for 8 years so im quite picky about that =P. I LOVE the low strings =).
Keep it up!
Tell me about it. I'm a musician myself (piano,guitars,harmonica,drums you name it) but I dont have the time to play them as I used to. Also, studios aren't too keen to let me play anymore since I take hours playing/making music like this. As for FL keys, yes they completely suck. I was choosing between Sytrus organs and FL keys and this is what came out of it.
Nice =).
Very nice. I didn't like the intro very much it hurts my ears...oh the same instrument plays again later in the song =(. I like everything in this song except that whiny instrument =P. Very good effort though =).
Keep it up.
Thank you! I was going for a loud noise, but didn't want it to hurt anyone's ears. Sorry about that. But thanks for voting 5 and giving me an honest review.
Very cool beat and pads =). At times the bass felt REALLY stretched down there like its too low but it held its note very strongly! This piece is were relaxing and only thing i would maybe add is a really cool bass rythm half way through.
Keep it up!
The mixdown on this was almost non-existant.
It deserves to be stretched out and fine tuned jusssst perfectly.
Thanks for the hit!
The length is amazing how you still managed to keep my interest for the entire thing! Really impressed! Everything fits like a glove and every melody is just breath-taking =). Amazing piece im definately slapping this one on my mp4 player =).
Amazing work!
Holy crap =).
I first heard wyldfyre's remix and knew i had to check out the original. They are quite simular but i do notice the differences =). Amazing composition. Really REALLY impressed =).
Love this man.
Awesome :D I am very glad you liked it.
This one is more simple than Wyldfyres version, but I am glad you liked them both.
Hey guys! Feel free to add my Discord :D.
Discord ID: f777official
Blizzard ID: f777official
Geometry Dash Account: F777OFFICIAL
Electronic Musician
Joined on 4/9/07