Impressive drums really good job man! loved every second of this! the whispering effect was amazing. I feel like this song has every angle covered and you have a lot of control on whats going on. Nice stuff!
Keep it up!
Impressive drums really good job man! loved every second of this! the whispering effect was amazing. I feel like this song has every angle covered and you have a lot of control on whats going on. Nice stuff!
Keep it up!
Really cool!
Title is good and i really like the rythm you achieved here.
I think the piano notes where a little fast considering the
overall flow of this song. Amazing job keep it up =).
Sounds good!
Really funky.
This is cool. The drums and brass are well mixed
it sounds really good. It's a tad repetitive but it creaates
an awesome jazzy atmosphere.
It's aweshome.
Repetitive it is indeed, unlike its brother.
Jazz/Funk was what I was aimin' for with the game it was for
Thanks for your thoughts yo!
This is really cool =).
Very nice work man this has a cool swing to it.
Sounds really original. It''s got a nice atmosphere
to it. I wish it had a stronger ending but i guess its
cause its just part 1 =).
Nice job!
I'm working on part two for the composer's concert at my school, so it'll be the next one I put up, probably in a week or so. That should probably finish it off nicely.
I found this on your myspace while back...
...and i have become a frequent listener to this song.
There's just an element that grabs me. Its catchy and
just goes nuts im just crazy about this track!
Love it!
Oh man i love this its just AWESOME! Im seriously drooling
over this awesome piece of work. Sounds like sonic the hedgehog
and ninja turtles mixed with Rig-style. I absolutely love it.
Rig you have always been one of my idols i love you.
Just simply amazing.
Why thank you, good sir. I like your stuff too :D
This is just amazing.
This is amazing. You have so many perfect elements like
the chimes and the synth and background piano and pizzicatos
are just awesome. I think the beat is a bit loud, it just needs
to be louder then everything else but its a tad too loud cause
the synths just grab me and i wish they were louder =).
Just amazing.
"I have a high-pitched voice!" - thats my favorite part haha.
I love it XD.
LOL yeah, i was deffenatly in a mood when i did that.
Very awesome.
The synth gives this a REALLY excited electric feel which goes
amazingly with the strings. Its a very nice combination and the
chord progression/melody is grabbing i love it! I need the flp
again i really want to collab on this =).
9/10 (cause preview)
Love it!
hah as soon as i get the time i'll send it your way man!
Hey guys! Feel free to add my Discord :D.
Discord ID: f777official
Blizzard ID: f777official
Geometry Dash Account: F777OFFICIAL
Electronic Musician
Joined on 4/9/07