My younger brother finally touched FL studio!!! Ummmm...ya.
My younger brother finally touched FL studio!!! Ummmm...ya.
This ones cool!
Its like chilling out at the center of the earth. Could also be used in a game! You should find some flash user who is a good game maker then together you guys good make the ultimate game =D.
(Omgzorz im teh aweshomz!!!)
yeah, i'd love this to be in a flash game or movie haha. this is almost one of my fav's i've made in the past. Anyway yeah thanks for the review man!
Everything was good but one thing that wasn't very good was the beat samples. Wasn't the best you know what i mean? But everything else is nice! Maybe turn the bass up? I think that would improve it too.
yeah, may go over it later in the future and see what i can improve =)
Holy shiz man.
That was hilarious! Omgzorz lmfao. Haha thats going in my favs!!!
hahah liked that did ya? good good! haha.
Hey awesome.
Its perfect for a game for super nintendo. Awesome stuff i like this one a lot =D. Quality isn't as good as your newest stuff but i like the tune and everything else thats flowing with it!
darn right =) LOL. again, thanks!
Not a bad set up. That pad though is not so great without reveerb. Bass is a little loud for the song and doesn't blend the best.
(I recognise this is one of your first =D)
yeah, this is about the time i was kinda starting to find my sound as i call it. LOL.
Hmmm i can see this is one of your earliest pieces...to be honest its not that great =P. The pre-made drumloop ruins it i think.
The rest of the stuff is not bad. If you made your own beat and had an electric guitar doing some shiz with the bass it would own.
Not your best =P.
haha yeah, like i said your starting to get into some of the earlier songs =). you'll see that. The premade drum look i ended up tweaking and i really made it for a flash flick we were gonna do i didn't really work to much on it but i did want it to have a certian sound heh. =)
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Discord ID: f777official
Blizzard ID: f777official
Geometry Dash Account: F777OFFICIAL
Electronic Musician
Joined on 4/9/07