Good stuff...drums were a little weak...piano maybe would be better with more reveerb...however this songs is teh bomb. =D
Good stuff...drums were a little weak...piano maybe would be better with more reveerb...however this songs is teh bomb. =D
But...sounds too much like a remix i heard on ocremix...
Anyways good work!
Dude this is the real meaning to music...beautiful man =D.
Dude this is like 10 times better then your other one...flipping nice.
Gold saw = Heaven
Dude i love this. The rythm goes nice with the beat and everything.
One of the next ones in the series should be called like "Ice Aura" and like have lots of pads in background with clear sounds making it sound like your in a ice cave or somthing.
Thats just a suggestion.
Anyways awesome work here.
Keep me posted and pm me whenever you post something new and ill be glad to give a review.
It will eventually come, right now im working on a lightning , making it sound like a lightning strike then thunder without the actual sound is a nuisance. Honored that you reviewed my music dude. And yeah gold saw does = heaven. I'll keep you posted, and you keep me posted on your stuff.
Nice work
Did you use a midi keyboard? Its awesome man make more. =D
yes, and thankyou.
Not bad
Pretty cool but if you had a violin with it that would be awesome. =D
If you could check out my stuff sometime that would be awesome!
Anyways keep up the awesome work.
(I 5/5ed)
I can play Violin, and to be honest, never thought of using it in this!
...sounds a little like my stuff....nice job though...
Nah, doesn't sound anywhere as cool as your stuff.
Dude no remix "Twinkle Star F-777 speed-mix" is the best remix ever!!!!
Stupid little peice of shit. Go jerk off in a corner, you failure.
Im a fan of the original...and this one is flipping amazing. Good job man!
You managed to keep the original feeling yet you changed it with your style in it...beautiful...just flipping sweet.
Anyways check out my stuff sometime. =D
You have incredible skills man =D. I love this. Flipping awesome...i might make an ambient song soon...
Anyways a lot of people probably ask you this but, can you please review my song "Chinese Dance Machine" , "Broken Ice", or "Motionless"?
(Motionless is a calm one)
If you could that would tottaly make this week awesome. Thanks for posting this music, it helps with my homework =D.
Hey guys! Feel free to add my Discord :D.
Discord ID: f777official
Blizzard ID: f777official
Geometry Dash Account: F777OFFICIAL
Electronic Musician
Joined on 4/9/07