Sweetness!!! I loved it! And you actually continued it!!! Thats awesome man thanks!
Well i gotta go for now, see ya!
By the way what program do you use?
Sweetness!!! I loved it! And you actually continued it!!! Thats awesome man thanks!
Well i gotta go for now, see ya!
By the way what program do you use?
I use a combination of several things: a good-old keyboard, Acid 6.0, and Audacity audio manager for remastering, clipping, and what-not. Glad you liked it!
This is a cool piece!
Thank you very kindly. ^_^
I dont think it should be a town theme unless its like a poor town, spooky town, or deserted town...
If you have any spare time be sure to check out my music k?
I shall someday. Thank you very much. I take my music seriously, and I felt it's time to share with the public, now that I have distributed the maximum copies of my RPG.
Not bad
As a matter of fact i love it! I think my bigest complaint on this site is people dont use choirs enough cause that would make this piece the bomb!
ill catch ya later and be sure to check out my music ya?
thanks man! i know, i should add some choirs. Ill be sure to check out your music. Again thanks!
(this is a summery that doesnt exist)
Nice work reminds me of the movies! Very professional! Much better then my orchestral attempt "enchanted strings".
Well i gotta go if you have time be sure to check out my music ya? It would be nice to have an oppion from someone like you :D
see ya later
by the way i love the choirs you used!
Oh, thanks! The soundfont I used for the choir is called Papelmedia_Aah-Choir, try running that through Google. It's not perfect *coughEastWestSymphonicChoirscough* but it gets the job done.
This was great! the beat was like really nice too!
keep up the good work!
thanks! ill try :p
I like it
The beat especially is nice! Nice work! This is a really cool song.
anyways if you have time later go to my music and rate all as 5/5 and make a super long review thats 10/10 and tell me how awesome i am!!! ok?
Dang didnt think so....
Thanks for the review! You Music is cool too! I'm not good with long reviews though ^^; Short ones ok? I reviewed and rated some of your work, very nice!
your right...
...its awesome!Make more music like this!
Ill catch ya later, check out my music later will ya?
thanks I will:)
I loved it! You should definately continue it and make it longer but i have one idea that might help make it even better.
Idea: it would be cool if you had like a low string essemble and a higher choir or somthing!
but thats up to you.
anyways i gotta go and if you have time check out my music ya?
Sounds good to me, but I've used the string ensemble a bit much :P Sounds cool, I'll take a look later!
Finish it make it into a huge song or somthing its nice i like it! And if you ever do finish it but you dont post it on newgrounds pm me or somthing and ill give you my email cause THIS MUSIC IS THE BOMB!!!
Hey you think you could listen to some of my music later? That would be cool.
anyways catch ya later and pm me if you make any new songs and stuff i like your work!
I definitely will make it a whole song now that I know somebody likes it, and I look forward to checking out your work.
Hey guys! Feel free to add my Discord :D.
Discord ID: f777official
Blizzard ID: f777official
Geometry Dash Account: F777OFFICIAL
Electronic Musician
Joined on 4/9/07