Dude nice.
K im going to give a bit a criticism. Not that anything is wrong with this song, dont get me wrong, cause its awesome. Im just going to give a few suggestions of stuff you could have added to make it sound better.
1. Crashes/Reverse Crashes = You should add some of these like right before the beat comes in have a reverse crash and then when the first kick of the beat is on have a crash at same time. This way it feels like you took the song up a level.
2. Snare rolls = This isnt really needed or anything but right before the main part of the song (middle part) you could have a snare roll slowly coming in then finally its really loud and then "CRASH" (yes add in a crash) the main part of the song is on. This way you seperate intro/main part/and slow-fade-out-ending from each other and makes it sound like you put a lot more effort in.
3. Intro Fade in = It would have been cool if the beggining of the song faded in.
Anyways im not saying this song wasnt good. In fact it was awesome. But from reading earlier comments from people and stuff it seems you like constructive criticism. So i hope this helps you.
Good job.
See ya later.