Very nice =).
This was really nice. I normally don't like FL keys but you really made something incredible with it =). Keep it up man im impressed and you get my 5/5 and my 10/10 on this one. Everything is really peaceful.
Keep it man!
Very nice =).
This was really nice. I normally don't like FL keys but you really made something incredible with it =). Keep it up man im impressed and you get my 5/5 and my 10/10 on this one. Everything is really peaceful.
Keep it man!
Thanks alot man, and i knew you didn't like the FL Keys... But it was the only piano instrument i could find. So i decided to put some effects on it and adjust a bit on it.
So i came up with this, and again. Thanks a lot man! It means alot to me, specially when it comes from you since you are my music idol!
This is really awesome. You managed to keep it long without making it repetitive =O. Awesome job on that. As i mentioned before i hate Kate's voice but thats just me but that won't affect my score on your song because its not your voice ;). Awesome stuff man im impressed!
Keep it up!!!
thx alot man , i do my best ;)
I love this!
Huge quality-wise improvement =). This is really good and im glad to hear another piece from you ;). This is just amazing! The bass is strengthing and your voice is really clear and the overall melody is just really catchy =). The strings are amazing.
I love this!
(im glad you didn't leave NG)
I will never leave New Grounds. :)
It's like a home away from home for me ... might take me a while, but I'll always come back (teehee)
Thanks for the review. Glad you liked it! woo!
Catchy =).
Awesome work here! Nice rythms you got going here but would be cooler if you used better samples. (I hate Fl default Drum stuff lol). Awesome work though i love the sequencing you did here =).
Keep it up!
It's not default, i changed it and i maked the pitch higher.
Thats why it sounds weird and high pitched.
Very nice i really enjoyed listening to this one =).
I love the strings and how the harp blends so perfectly
with them.
Awesome work =).
(Congrats on your top 5!)
im glad you Liked it! my harps are always Awesome ;D
This is really cool i love the chord proggresion in this. The sound of the choir itself could use some quality improvement and maybe some deep strings could improve it. Maybe some orchestra Hans Zimmer type style drums would be cool ;). The organs a great effect but could use a little work cause its a bit on the high side.
Keep it up!
(I don't get your Author Comments lol)
TY for the comments. I'll try to do this.
Anyway, what I meant in my comments is that you have just died and are on trial. The Judge and Jury is God. So basically it's the end of the case and now it's time to see if your guilty or innocent. And then i mentioned that you were chosen for "Absolution" which means God will forgive your sins making the verdict Innocent.
Hope that clears it a bit.
K to be honest when i first heard this i was like "wwwhhhaattt???" but after i listened to the whole thing i am seriously impressed. That was awesome i really liked it. You get my 10 and a 5.
Really cool =).
I love this!!
I love this! The entire setup is just PERFECT and i am really enjoying this! Only advice i have is to focus more on your transitions i find sometimes it switches too abruptly without any transition tool like a reverse cymbal or a crash to start something =). I LOVE this song though its just so awesome!!!
Keep it up!
(Congrats on top 5)
Yay glad you enjoyed it :D. I know about the transitions, it's how I wanted it to be for this song, if you listen to my others they are brought in more smoothly. BTW, I love this song too :P. Thanks.
Cool but could have used more effort.
I really like this and its a really cool idea your doing but you didn't really change anything and this is from midi's =P. Im not against people using midi's i just think you could have done more to this because for remix's for one the melodies are already created so that takes out 50% of the effort for the song but i don't see much of the other 50% here which is composing/arranging things to add to the song. If you could add more things to this and put a little more effort into it i would be happy =).
Sorry i just don't see much effort but this is still cool.
(congrats on top 5)
its not midi
Now this is cool...
Really awesome!!! This is really catchy i just love the drums and bass! Shame that the full title can't fit on NG =(. Anyways i really like how you got a mad bass and drums with really light sounds the combination is just epic! I think its a lil short and i know you posted it as a loop but i felt you could have carried me further with this =). Very cool song and great job.
Congrats on top 5!
(Keep it up)
someday i'll extend it.
And yes newgrounds should put more space for the damn titles haha!
Thanks for the review. Very apreciated ;)
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Discord ID: f777official
Blizzard ID: f777official
Geometry Dash Account: F777OFFICIAL
Electronic Musician
Joined on 4/9/07