This is amazing.
Mydnite made me a header too...guess i have to steal your idea and dedicate a song to her =O.
Don't worry though in the author's comments ill give credit that you were the original guy to think up the idea =D.
Anyways the song.
1. Synths = 10/10 (I was shocked at the quality)
2. Beat = 9/10 (Could have used a better hi hat maybe?)
3. Set up = 9.7/10 (Beginning maybe was too sudden because this is a calmer song, but the rest of the song is set up perfectly)
4. Quality 10/10 (Didn't hear any clipping thats really good =D)
5. Overall 10/10
You captured a feeling most artists can't even grasp. The song is calm and yet it still gathers up your innermost feelings and grants you many different emotions.
Ending was perfect! I don't mean that like "Oh yay its done!" I mean it like the way it ended was just perfect like how you let it hang on that one note. I normally find the ending is the hardest parts in songs but you did it really well.
Im going to check out your other stuff later you seem to be a really talented artist =D.