Hey thats cool
I think this is a cool remix =D. Really cool sounds and nice set up!
(Check out my stuff sometime)
Hey thats cool
I think this is a cool remix =D. Really cool sounds and nice set up!
(Check out my stuff sometime)
Really nice! Only thing i had a problem with was its length...but its great. I love the strings you added. Amazing stuff!
(Ye thats right im part of the 5-Bomber team =O)
oOh I happen to like the 5 bomber team!
Yeah, the length will become longer, because this is just me trying to break my writers block, so now I'll be able to take this and add on to it.
Thanks for the review and the 5!
Wow nice!
Very nice work!!! Why do songs that people barely spend any time on end up being their best?!
Awesome stuff!
(Cool fact of the day: Did you know "Chineses Dance Machine" was made in 1 hour? Weird...)
HOLY CRAP! You made CDM in one hour??? F**k!
Well... I have to confess... I made this in one hour cause I used lots of presets and samples. T.T
Thanks a lot for the review \o\
Great piece of work! Everything seems to be equalised very good!
Awesome stuff!!!
I had a hard time trying to control the echo and the distortion in here, so it's good to hear some feedback \o\
Thanks a lot, man!
Very relaxing. This sounds very proffesional! Nice piano. Beat is not too hard. Amazing piece of work here!
1. Beat = 10/10
2. Synths = 10/10
3. Set up = 9/10 (The switches are a little bit choppy)
4. Quality = 10/10
5. Overal = 9.8/10
Again i say this is a great track. A little short maybe but still good!
5/5 (Raises score from 4.00 to 4.50)
(Could you give me a review on one of my songs? Thanks!)
Really good. Though at 0:32 the hi hat was too loud. Maybe make it a little more quiet? Awesome stuff!
(I appreciate your reviews!)
The hihats are supposed to be loud there, but I'll make 'em quieter next time. Thanks a lot for the review!
P.S.: I appreciate your reviews as well XD
Amazing. Just amazing. Your first try at heavy metal rules man!
XD LOL thanks alot XD though i think i need to change the break cause the organ sounds very lame XD and some other stuff i need to change. You rock man!
Watch out for "Flight Remastered" coming out soon XD
Amazing stuff. Quality was a little low but other then that everything was awesome.
Sorry this is a short review but im pressed for time =P. Thanks for letting me know about this!
Awesome! Best POTC remix yet! Now this review is going to be a bit harsh but im sure you know its just to help you improve =P.
Some tips:
1. Turn wind volume down a bit.
2. When the snare joins the kick make the snare more quiet.
3. Add lots more bass.
4. Focus on transitions to make them smooth.
5. Make crashes more echoy.
Don't get me wrong this song is awesome but if you want it to be perfect work on those things.
(Music review = #501)
Thanks man! ill work on those! BTW, now that i have the full version of Fruity Loops, I can accually take peoples advice and comments and change the song to suit them. instead of implementing it in ym net song.
Thanks again!
Interesting! I like it!
Hey guys! Feel free to add my Discord :D.
Discord ID: f777official
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Geometry Dash Account: F777OFFICIAL
Electronic Musician
Joined on 4/9/07