Holy cow.
Dang man. That's amazing. You have come a llooonnngggg way and i gotta say, soon you will be one of the top artists on NG. Insane work man!
Holy cow.
Dang man. That's amazing. You have come a llooonnngggg way and i gotta say, soon you will be one of the top artists on NG. Insane work man!
I hope to get there someday. Then, hopefully I can go further than NG. Then again, there's still some good critics here. I can't think of the day when I don't submit a song or two to NG. Even if I get well known/famous-ish, I still see myself submitting a song to NG that's free to download and comment on.
I have to say, it's from people like you that give me good advice which has helped me from the beginning of it all. Even then, I just started in the middle of October making music. I guess I've come a long way.
Thanks for the review!
MC BigBoy
Not bad.
As far as effort goes this gets an 7/10 cause its a loop =P. But good synths! Keep it up =D.
Awesome song man. Amazing work here. The bassline is brilliant and this song gives a nice feel of being in a trance. Also the intro was just perfect.
1. Synths = 10/10 (Incredible)
2. Set up = 10/10
3. Transitions = 9/10
4. Beat = 9/10 (Needs a different clap sample =P)
5. Overall = 9.6/10
Keep up the awesome work {CW}!
thx alot man! although youre right about the clap thing...lol i was too lazy to look for another one hahaha ^_^v
Another angry techno song by you on top 5! Amazing stuff dude. Awesome stuff. You should think about going highly into industrial. You got the right stuff for it! Awesome again.
hi thar! yeah true, i have made some indust songs infact, i just never submitted em. i figured they werent true to style enugh to submit them/they were not finished. i will proabbly attack it after dealing with this trillogy of dark techno tho ^^ thanks!
Ya i know what kind of inspiration you mean. You know when you just look at that mirror and that really hot person is looking back at you and you suddenly got this urge to make a kick@$$ song.
Oh ya...errr...the song...hehe. =D.
Overview thingy:
1. Nice Intro = 10/10 (Doesn't take long to get to the beat, i like that!)
2. The Beats = 10/10 (Very Nice).
3. Synths = 10/10 (Very good)
4. Set up = 9/10 (Could have used lots more FX)
5. Overall = 9.8/10
NOW CHECK OUT MY STUFF...hey whats that...oh its just the mirror...dang thats...sexy...
:P thanks
Awesome. Like REALLY awesome. Good build up. Wow nice FX. Really good! You are improving majorly with each song!
Ur reviews are getting good too!
Keep it up! 10/10!
Lol xD
Thx for the compliments ^^ !
Glad u like it :D
Major beat improvement. Your uses of synths are becoming amazing!
Awesome stuff!
Thanks man.
Have you listened to NeoMax (remix)? Holy crap if you haven't.
To me, NeoMax sounds way better than this, believe me!
Thanks for the review!
Nice work! It could have used a deeper kick but everything else really impresses me!
1. Beat = 9/10 (A deeper stronger kick could have made it better)
2. Synths = 10/10 (Again your use of synths are amazing)
3. Structure = 10/10 (Not too repetitive)
4. Transitions = 10/10
5. Overall = 9.7/10
I love the use of sytrus!!!
yeah..a better kick woulda been better...and yes! sytrus is so fun! lol ^_^v
Really nice.
Amazing. This is what ambient music is all about. Its so calm yet you can feel the power within the music.
1. Beat = 10/10 (Excellent)
2. Synths = 10/10 (Was that fruity keys? If it was im highly impressed!)
3. Set up = 10/10 (Flows nicely)
4. Transitions 9/10
5. Overall 9.8/10
Awesome work!
man, i'm surprised anyone actually commented on this...and yes that was fruity keys...it was a lil hard to make though...but i did it. oh and sry for takin this long to respond...no one really reviews my old works really. ^_^v
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Discord ID: f777official
Blizzard ID: f777official
Geometry Dash Account: F777OFFICIAL
Electronic Musician
Joined on 4/9/07