Its a nice slow calm piece! Could use a lot of reveerb but its still good =D.
Nothing especially amazing here but its very decent =D.
Its a nice slow calm piece! Could use a lot of reveerb but its still good =D.
Nothing especially amazing here but its very decent =D.
yeah your getting to the area where i juuust started making music haha meaning this is probably one of earliest songs.
Can be better.
Has potential. Not your best but im fairly sure you could make a kickass remake of this.
(Omgz another short getting lazy =P)
yeah whats with the lazyness? Hahaha =) Its ok man
Thats creepy =O.
thanks hahah. I originally made this for halloween it worked well!
This is really. However for some reason it had a medevil times kind of feel to it =D. Awesome stuff! (However you didn't make drums...takes a point off sorry =P)
Really cool!
thats fine haha yeah, its one of my earlier songs i actually tried putting the premade drums to it and liked it i almost couldn't hear it with anything else LOL. Sooo yeah! But glad you liked the parts i DID do lol.
Excellent stuff going on =D. Again as you know im picky about FL keys but that's not going to lower the score just cause im racist against certain piano sounds!
This song could also use the Monk humming idea. But maybe even munks singing or find a low choir that could easily be used as monks singing?
This song is fairly decent. (Length is too short but thats probably cause you havn't finished yet....oh duh it says "demo" haha im so stupid)
LOL yeah really all the songs with numbers by the names are works in progress. I'll end up working on it.. yeah i don't blame you with the FL keys. I'll probably end up doing that download and getting the better program for that alone.
Nice work.
Not much to say really about this cause i already heard 1.7 which is MUCH better =D. Maybe you could eventually make it to 5.0! Awesome tune you got going here!
(Halfway through reviewing your stuff ;D)
lol that you are! Yeah, i couldn't take this one down i wanted people to hear what or rather where the song started almost.. Anyway yeah when i'm done with the songs i actually take the number away from the name heh showing its a finished product.
Holy shizzle...
Wow this one is really good...If you still have the .flp i could work on it and we could call it a collab if you want =D. This one has great potential.
This is one of your best in my oppinion =D.
Sounds good man i'm curious to see what you'd put in to it. I never really put a beat to it cuz i couldn't come up with anything i was happy with.
This caught me by surprise! Most of your stuff i have listened to so far has been calm but this one has a more "Dancey" feel to it =D. Awesome FX and awesome synths!
(I use the word "Awesome" a lot)
Keep them coming =D.
yeah, every so often i like to suprise people by mixing it up hahaha... Actually when i did this it came out and i liked it and wasn't 100 percent sure what i wanted to do with it.. So i ended up basing it around some creature-esque thing that i guess turned into a superstar? LOL
Very nice!
This song has a really nice dreamy feel to it. Some instruments could use a little more reveerb but its still very nice =D.
Good work on this =D. (Also fits title)
yeah, I agree on the reverb hah. I'm still not done with this song though so i'm sure i'll come up with something hehe.
Hey guys! Feel free to add my Discord :D.
Discord ID: f777official
Blizzard ID: f777official
Geometry Dash Account: F777OFFICIAL
Electronic Musician
Joined on 4/9/07