This is really awesome! However the sounds all sound Mono, what program are you using? I don't like the quality but the tune...the tune is just amazing.
Keep it up!
This is really awesome! However the sounds all sound Mono, what program are you using? I don't like the quality but the tune...the tune is just amazing.
Keep it up!
Thank you for the review.
I use Audacity to record all my music. The simpler, the better. I usually hook my Yamaha PSR-170 keyboard directly into my M-Audio MobilePre USB through the instrument line and hit record. It does take longer to get things done this way but I have more control over my music. I don't use any effects or VST's, this is all raw and live. It's really because I don't know how to use VST's really well and prefer the sound of a real instrument over a synthetic instrument... Though it depends on the song and style I am going for.
I am all about analog. Again, thank you for the review and I hope my response helped you out a little.
I really like this but i will be honest. The song is missing a couple elements i will try to explain them the best i can.
1. The voice isn't blending = You can try to add another clip of the voice 1 millisecond after the main clip and it will give a nice effect to make it sound like 2 people are singing.
2. Instruments = There isn't enough. Try adding some saws, arps, or gates.
Overall i really enjoyed this!
Keep it up! (I hope my advice helps =P)
cool thanks (sorry i didnt get to this, didnt really check this song cuz of the crappy ratings) thanks, but I probably will not do any more vocalized songs for a while, unless i get really good vocals
Very nice.
I like it! The strings sound a little fake but might be fixed if you add reveerb to them. The percussion in this song fits perfectly!
Very nice! (I love the title)
Thanks, I'll be sure to use reverb on the strings next time. It's my first try at classical, so heh, not exactly a best.
K so i got like 10 things to say to this epicness...
1. K so this is your best song ever.
2. I think you have 99.99% chance of wining.
3. I feel super happy from listening to this song.
4. Percussion is amazing...
5. Synths are killers...
6. The set up is one of the best set ups i have ever heard.
7. Matches the video PERFECTLY!
8. I love you (Not the gay way)
9. Ng loves you (Maybe the gay way for some people)
10. I fav'd, downloaded, and danced to this song =D. (My sister was looking at me weird lolzorz)
This song = Epic, amazin, stunning, outstanding, and BBQistic! W00t!
date: 37 seconds ago
hey thx man!
I appreciate the huge compliments !
Very VERY nice! A little slow for dance maybe but it still got my head nodding! Awesome stuff!!!
tx for such a great person who likes my song :)
I didn't like the percussion in this one so much but the piano and bass are perfect and add a very nice professional feel to this song! Awesome stuff!
You got a nice style =D.
tx again :)
Awesome catchy song.
The awesome good stuff:
1. Melody is so freaking catchy its awesome.
2. The beat fits it so nicely.
3. Synths are perfect.
The bad stuff:
1. Title = Im sorry i hate the title...when people make title's like these it seems like they are kinda dumping their song in the trash =P. Thats just my oppinion though.
Keep it up!!!
XD yea, I don't think it's that good either :P, but it's kind of the main purpose of the song so XD... Maybe I'll change it...
Its ok but i don't see a lot of effort put into just made a beat and took FL studio beats that you didn't make and then you used a default FX preset that you didn't bother to tweak at all =P...
Try making a song with everything by you =P.
yea thats what all my other songs are, cept the olivia one, i just found these beats so i made 2 songs out of em lol\
oh plus i hate you
Everything is equaled out greatly! I would suggest a change of the piano just cause im super picky about pianos. The beat is excellent! The bass is good. The set up is just plain awesome.
Luved it! (I forget who the original was by...was it robert miles?)
well i dunno...ill ask martcore ^_^ well about the piano i couldnt get better 4 ill think about a solution..well thanks 4 the review n vote...peace
Awesome stuff! This really sends you into another empty world. I love it!
Keep it up!
(Check out my stuff sometime)
Thanks man, I'm glad you liked it!
And I've heard your stuff before, it's amazing, but I never stop to review.
I will surely get around to it though.
Hey guys! Feel free to add my Discord :D.
Discord ID: f777official
Blizzard ID: f777official
Geometry Dash Account: F777OFFICIAL
Electronic Musician
Joined on 4/9/07