- - - - - - - - - - "Feelings of Music" - Contest!!! - - - - - - - - - - - -
Hey everyone i thought i would hold a contest here ;).
I always wanted to make a really fair contest for NG for
people who feel like they don't want to enter a contest
because they are new or not very known etc. etc.
1. Must have a deep emotion it can be victory/sadness/
happiness or anything but it REALLY has to be expressed.
2. NO TRANCE (Or anything related)
So thats it you have a lot of freedom you can do pretty
much anything but im eliminating trance/dance/techno
for this one =).
I want to hear emotion i want to hear that power through
music that just gives you shivers its so powerful or just
brings you out laughing because you remember a good
time you had =).
This isn't going to be party music or something to go head
banging to this is going the kind of music that makes you
want to cry or laugh or just gaze off into nowhere.
Deadline: March 28, 2009 (My birthday haha)
Judges: Pm me if you want to be a judge i will need a lot of
judges cause the more judges the more real the voting will
be =).
Link to the BBS thread:
http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/10 30780
List of Judges So Far:
1. Wyldfyre1 (Ng's #1 Reviewer 2,500+ reviews ) --
2. Druids-Warcry (640+ reviews) --
3. Cyberdevil (2,250+ reviews) --
4. DarkRider2000 (720+ reviews)
5. Arphenius (Only 9 reviews but hes a really good judge)
6. Sungazer (9 reviews)
7. Kr1z (460+ reviews)
8. Aldlv (591+ reviews)
9. MilkMan-Dan (89 reviews)
10. Umsldragon (92 reviews)
11. j55593 (98 reviews)
Sounds nice, I don't think I'd make it anywhere near the supremacies with my insufficiant musical skillings, but I shall throw something together. Did you get my GTA 3 PM? A reply would be appriciated. ;)
I got it gimme a min sorry haha iv been busy.