Hmm allrighty then...
Imma start right away!!!!
Hey guys! Feel free to add my Discord :D.
Discord ID: f777official
Blizzard ID: f777official
Geometry Dash Account: F777OFFICIAL
Electronic Musician
Joined on 4/9/07
Hmm allrighty then...
Imma start right away!!!!
Oh hell yeah. I'ma work on this, fo sho.
I was possibly thinking of a remix for before mydnite, but nah. I got way too much other stuff to work on. Plus, my program i use sux XD
We are remixing BM ourselfs :D
hi, i don't know if you got my pm but can you send me the midis for We Will Fly, Speedbreaker, and Sound of Infinity? Im not sure which one I want to remix. Thanks!
Can I get the MIDI for Glancing Back? I also asked this in a PM.
Alright then. I've been covering/remixing nearly all of my music time, lets see if I can herp the durp in a contest.
We need herps 'n durps :)
Sweet. Lets do this!
cool, can u send the midi for Speedbreaker? thanks!
I love that you are doing this, makes it a lot more interesting to be a fan. Shame I'm not a musician on any level :p Would've been great fun to join in on this contest! And good luck to everyone participating ;)
This is great! Can I remix Before Mydnite? If I can, please send me the notes and melodies and whatnot :P Looking forward to participating!
Scratch that, I'd like to remix Summer Ocean. midi/melodies/notes plz <3 hearts hearts hearts kthxbai
Kr1z: I'll pm it to you ;)
Hi, can you send me the midi of Once Again?
D'oh, I mean Once More D:
Keep up the awesome work :D, I've got to say you and dimrain are my favorite audio submiters on newgrounds, I hope you keep it going unlike dim where he dropped off the face of the earth :(. you're epic winning ^^
Ah, now this is some good news. Can't wait for the new Album! Definitely going to buy it. Also did I see there's going to be yet another remix of Before Mydnite, bringing the total to 5? I liked the Original and number "3" the best. Looking forward to see what you do with it this time. Shame I'm such a n00b with FL or I'd take part in the contest...
Remotion and Frozen words. Hit me up with those midis and stuffs when you get the chance!
Kr1z: will do :)
Yeah! i start making the rmx right now!
uh does it have to be fl studios?
No :) you can use any DAW you like, as long as the result is a good song =D
lol all your songs are so fucking complicated haha, i wouldnt know where to start
Hehe as much as id love to say they ARE complicated, sadly they arnt XD.
I can send you some notes/files to a song iv made you can see i just slap
a bunch of simple ideas together.