Don't eat mi-krab. WHatever it is.
When will you hit the 1500 mark? :D
Hey guys! Feel free to add my Discord :D.
Discord ID: f777official
Blizzard ID: f777official
Geometry Dash Account: F777OFFICIAL
Electronic Musician
Joined on 4/9/07
Don't eat mi-krab. WHatever it is.
When will you hit the 1500 mark? :D
Hopefully soon =D!
Damn, I gotta find a way of buying stuff online. The way you've done your album has really impressed me: you can get the songs on it free on Newgrounds, and you've intended for this to happen (not like eg Foo Fighters on The Pirate Bay), you're offering a good section of each song as a preview on the store link, and you're still asking for money for it. Despite everything being freely available, and *marginally* harder to get. It's the thought that counts here, and you're obviously in this for your fans (and teh munnyz too, but that's an of-course thing).
Really impressed. Good going, man.
Thanks =). Ye this album is more like a supportive thing if people want to pay its their choice =).
Thanks for the comment!
(As for the previews i would make it full-length but the site wont let me =p)
Any chance you can get your music on itunes where I can actually buy it?
I know of at least one newgrounder who music can be bought.
Mine can be bought =). You go to my link " music" and you click "Add album to cart" and go checkout where you can select Credit card or Paypal and some other stuff there =).
I won't be putting it on Itunes cause for Itunes you have to make 300$ a month or they delete your account =p...
Thanks for the comment!
How did Thailand turn out?
Oh, btw, you now have 1,000 more fans than me, bastard!
Trip was weirdish but i got the meds =). Working so far.
Hey thanks for advertising to my song!!!
It actually helps my score go up ! :O :D
You cheater i know about your 1 million level 60 accounts >=). Haha joke no problem man i love that song =).
hey man! :)) thank you for your review on my track and I must admit you are great!!!! :))
your music is catchy, got it! :)
never stop ;)
Wow thanks =D!!! Your musics cool =).
You better sign up for this EP! >:(
Your coolness points will go up tenfold if you do.
My coolness points are already at max ;)...but ok ill join =D!
"I'm your Basscreator!!!"
Whoo! Tell 'em about that song your maekin' (Dragooooon oneee)
Taking a break from it and finishing some other stuff first =).
Hey, Nice User Icon you have (=^_^=)
Thanks for making it man =).
nice stuff.
OMG I NVR KNEW YOU WER CANADIAN UNTIL I READ UR LOCATION =D What part of Canada were you from???
Cool, must be interesting to get to travel around a bit!
I'll have to check out those albums, I didn't know you ever had so many finished...
Is the DDR looking one the one with all the chinese/greatwall-esc techno you once told me about?
wah ur canadian?! LoooooL i missed that part 2 xD
Bleh, making it big and Leaving me behind there jesse? shit man Gratz and hit hard. i told you bro. keep at it. and for the love of god you been ridding more dicks then a 20$ whore :P
i love yeah buddie boi. hit me up son. we need to talk about stuff and stuff is good. cus you chill. and i got chill news for you
And that picture is more than a year old. This is just crazy. I mean he looks more like he's 25 on that picture.
Hey man! The young guys have the music talent here, david kracht, nintechno, you, its so crazy. LOL
I swear, you can NOT be 15 or I'll beat someone XD
I haven't been on a real holiday in a while. I say we all meet up somewhere. Me, You, Kr1z etc.
I remember when me and you Had our Top 5. I think we were in the same one xD
Anywayz, GL with the Album :)
Woah, Wha?
I just saw the reply to your age. Your Birthday is the Day after mine!
I'm a Day older than you xDxDxD
Haha seriously? Wow thats awesome =D!
Yeah seriously :P
This is off topic...but Do Not Eat "White-Rabbit-Candy"
google it and see why.
I know lol. This country is full of it cause its cheap and all the chinese people luv em...most of them still don't know and they are still eating O.o...
Thanks for the heads up =).